Inbox Help
What are locked-in rates?

With locked-in rates, sitters have the flexibility of setting specific rates for certain pet owners. When you lock in service rates for an owner, those prices will be automatically applied to their future bookings with you.

A few things to note about locked-in rates:

  • Rates are locked in per owner by service type. This means that each service you offer will have a specific locked-in rate applied to your owner.
  • If any of your rates aren't locked in, we'll display an orange warning icon next to it and on the booking details.

How to lock rates for pet owners

You can lock in a rate for an owner from different sections of your inbox from your Rover account. Here's how:


From your Rover app

  1. Open the Rover app and tap Inbox, then navigate to the Pending, Upcoming, or Past section.

    iOS                                                                           Android
    App_iOS_Upcoming_inbox_UK.jpg             App_Android_inbox_UK.jpg

  2. Tap on the pet owner's name and select Details.


    Under Payment Details, tap Lock rates for [Name].

    iOS                                                                             Android
    App_iOS_details_click_on_lock_rates_S_UK.jpg            App_Android_details_lock_rates_S_UK.jpg

  3. Review the listed rates to ensure they reflect your preferences, then scroll to the bottom and tap Lock rates.

The pet owner will pay these locked rates for all future bookings. These rates will not change, even if you increase your default rates.

If you no longer want to lock rates for a pet owner, scroll to the bottom of their booking details and tap Update to default rates.


You can manage locked rates from the Pending requests, Past bookings, or Upcoming bookings tab on your account.


Pending requests

  1. Select the pet owner whose rates you want to lock.
  2. Select Modify request in the Stay Details box.
  3. Turn the toggle button green next to Lock your rates for future bookings with [Name].
  4. Select Submit changes to save your changes.


Past or upcoming bookings

  1. Locate the booking from the Past bookings or Upcoming bookings section of your inbox.
  2. Open the booking details for your pet owner, then select Lock rates for future bookings with [Name].
  3. Review the listed rates and confirm your changes by selecting Lock rates at the bottom of the page.

To unlock rates for a pet owner, navigate to a previous booking in the Past bookings tab, then select Unlock rates.

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