Inbox Help
How do I modify a pending request before booking it?

Occasionally, you or a pet owner may need to make changes to a request before booking it. You can easily do this from the Pending requests section of your inbox within the Rover app, or from your computer. From here, you can edit the following:

  • Dates
  • Time
  • Pets
  • Price
  • Number of walks/drop-ins per day
  • Service start/end times

If you and a pet owner already booked the request and still need to make changes, check out our other article: How do I modify a booking?

To edit a pending request

Rover app

  1. Open the request.
  2. Tap the green Modify button.
  3. Make adjustments, then tap Save (on iOS) or the Send Arrow (on Android) in the upper right corner of the screen.


  1. Go to your Inbox by selecting the conversation icon in the upper right corner of your screen.

    All languages S Inbox sign marked .png

  2. Select the Pending requests tab and locate the pet owner whose request you want to modify.

    Pending requests UK.png
  3. Navigate to the grey box that displays the request details and select Modify request. A new window will open where you can make the changes.
  4. Select Submit changes. The price will automatically adjust to reflect any changes.
  5. If your changes look good, then select Book it now.

What if a pet owner confirmed the request but we still need to modify it?

If only one of you selected the Book it now button, don’t worry, you can still edit the request details by declining the request (this won’t cancel the booking). Here's how:

  1. Go to Pending requests and open the request you need to modify.
  2. Open the service details and select Cancel request. This will not cancel the booking.
  3. You can now modify the request by clicking on Modify request (see steps above 'To edit a pending request').
  4. Select Save when finished.

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