Inbox Help
Where do I find a sitter's contact information?

The contact information you see for a sitter will vary depending on whether you've booked with them.

Before booking

After booking


Before booking

For privacy reasons, Rover doesn’t display a sitter’s contact information until you’ve booked with them. The best way to communicate with a potential sitter is through Rover Messages. Local Rover numbers that pet owners and pet sitters use to communicate with each other (relay numbers) are temporarily unavailable.

To begin a conversation, go to the sitter’s profile page and select the Contact button.

Contact S button profile UK.png


After booking

After you’ve booked and paid for a service, you can find your sitter’s contact information on the itinerary. You’ll get a confirmation email after booking with your itinerary attached. You can also access it before or during a stay by viewing the request under the upcoming stays tab of your inbox.

  • The sitter's Rover phone number and address will be displayed if you have booked Boarding or Day Care.
  • The sitter's Rover phone number will be displayed if you booked House Sitting, Dog Walking or a Drop-In Visit.
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